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Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2010

"I want to marry. What do I do now?"

Your request is a noble one. I, too, prayed for God to bring the right girl into my life and he did, and it has been wonderful ever since. When praying for a lifetime mate, I think it is important to ask God to do the bringing. Some men and women set their sights on a particular person and pray that God will help that person to love them so they can get married. However, unless God is in the mix, making the decision many times they suffer.

Reminds me of the joke about a visit to a mental institution where two different people are beating their heads against the padded walls—one in misery because he didn't win Linda's love, the other in misery because he did. You don't want that.

So, here is a little booklet that should help you in your decision making process:

Marriage and the Home

Many young couples take this course in preparation for marriage and find a number of time-tested rules for developing a happy home. As they study this 160-page course by Rex Jackson, family members learn to appreciate each other more by learning the basic principles of proper relationships in the home. God established marriage and the family is the building block of society. Without strong family units, the church cannot be what God intended for it to be. This course deals with all of the aspects of marriage and home that make the family the strong unit that the church rests upon. The booklet is also available in print and audio.

Here is also, some advice I gave a couple that I married:

Fortunately, the Bible gives us a lengthy description of love. It says in 1 Cor. 13:4-8 that—

Love is patient:

Love doesn’t throw a tantrum fit when you are late for an appointment and she is still trying to find the mate to the one that she is hobbling around the house on!

Love is kind:

Love doesn’t chew her out when she sideswipes the mail box with your brand new car! She feels bad enough; why make her feel even worse?

It is not jealous:

Love doesn’t get all huffy when she spends more time with the kids than she does with you. Or chats with her sister over the phone while you putter around waiting for her to bring some real excitement into your life.

Love is not pompous:

In other words, you don’t strut around thinking “boy is she lucky that she got such a fine fellow as me!”

Love is not inflated:

Now, I’ve done a lot of thinking about just what this means, and I have come to the conclusion that it means among many things that love does not parade your wife around as some kind of trophy . . . she is not a trophy wife. Inevitably, all trophy wives end up disappointing and even embarrassing their spouses in public at times. That goes for trophy husbands, too! So, not matter how goofy he or she acts, just remember that that may be something to work on behind closed doors when you get home; but when it is all said and done, they are still your husband or wife for life because you love them! Period!

Love is not rude:

And, since love is not rude, just remember that when and if you bark at her, especially in public, it is only a reflection of your nasty behavior.

Love does not seek its own interests:

It has always amazed me how many guys get away with buying boats, and 4 wheelers, motorcycles and red pickup trucks; and still insisting that mama work from 9 to 5, come home clean dirty kids faces, cook dinner, and . . . need I go any farther?

How well I remember, once on mother’s day, we had a couple over and we had a good meal with ice cream and pie and all the trimmings. So, when it came time to clean up the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher I said, “I am going to volunteer Mr. DoDo here— the lady’s husband— to help me clean up the table and you ladies go sit in the living room and relax. Well, you guessed it. Mr. DoDo would not budge. Even though I repeated the invitation several times as well as did his wife. No, he was the one that retired to a cushy chair and proceeded to read a magazine. Finally the girls chipped in and we finished the job. And, by the way, that is when I named him Mr. DoDo.

Love is not quick-tempered, [nor does] it brood over injury, [nor] does rejoice over wrongdoing [In other words, it doesn’t get a smile on its face when it gets one over on her or him].

It bears all things— puts up with everything.

Love believes all things— yes, she is always telling you the truth, unless circumstances prove differently!

Love, the Bible also says in these verses, hopes all things— in other words; love believes that she will improve with time.

And if she doesn’t, love, the Bible says, endures all things.

Then Paul ends this beautiful passage by saying— Love never fails. (1 Cor 13:4-8)

And, may I assure you that if you live up to these expectations your marriage will never fail either. So, the success or failure of this marriage depends on you as an individual. Make it your task to make it work.

So, although, it is extremely important to marry the right person, it is more important to be the right person. Learn to love. Make that you primary responsibility!

Now, in closing, I would like to give you 4 reasons most people experience misery in their marriage.

According to Erwin Lutzer these 4 reasons are:

1. Unrealistic expectations: Some people think marriage will make them happy.
2. The myth of greener grass: Many are on the slippery slope of "What if…?"

Lutzer tells a joke about a visit to a mental institution where two different people are beating their heads against the padded walls—one in misery because he didn't win Linda's love, the other in misery because he did.

3. A misunderstanding of the role of conflict: Incompatibility is precisely how we grow.

When I was teaching Marriage and Family in the university, I always made it a point to ask the students if their parents ever squabbled, or disagreed openly with one another. Most of the students confessed that they had seen their parents quarrel. One day, a girl from a family of 8, raised her hand and said, “Never!” “Wow!” I said, before I thought. “That’s not a good sign!” Of course, she wanted to know ‘why’. I said, “Because they are not communicating.” 5 years later, unfortunately, the couple divorced, but it did not surprise me. Communication is the key to any good marriage, and is the Bible way of “speaking the truth in love!” (Ephesians 4:15)

4. A failure to distinguish between human love and divine love.

Jesus gives two important statements on love from the Sermon on the Mount.

Statement one: If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you?

Human love depends on the person who is loved. We tend to love people who are beautiful and/or have great personality.

Statement two: Love your enemies.

Divine love is based on the lover, so it can love even enemies.

A couple asks a pastor to approve their divorce, because there's no feeling left. The pastor tells the husband to love his wife as Christ loved. He says, "I can't do that." The pastor says to love her as he'd love himself. He says he can't. The pastor says, "The Bible says love your enemies. Begin there."

A wife tells a lawyer she wants a divorce, and wants to hurt her husband in the process. The lawyer suggests being kind and speaking well of her husband for three months, then drop the bomb, because that'll hurt even more. She follows the lawyer's advice…and the marriage is saved.

When people are hard to love, it's an opportunity for us to grow in Christ. And, this leads me to my favorite verse in Scripture— that is, Romans 8:28

Now, lastly, remember to keep it in focus that the Holy Spirit is the best resource for loving the unlovable.

"My husband has been unfaithful. What should I do?"

So, your spouse has been unfaithful. Are you sure? If so, and you want to try and make it work that is your choice. Many marriages that have gone wrong have been saved, and the offending spouse forgiven. Pastoral care and marriage counseling is highly suggested. However, whatever the case, plan your strategy and confront them and give them an ultimatum. Either they shape up — which means they stop their foolishness, immediately; or ship out. You make sure you don't leave; make them leave, even if you have to get a restraining order. You and the children (if there are any) deserve a decent place to live! Above all, don't let them string you along. They have already proven that they are a liar and a cheat, and don't expect them to act any differently unless they honestly change. Crocodile tears are not acceptable, either. Make them prove it, and let them know in no uncertain terms that you will be checking up on them.

Why do I say this? Because you are taking a big chance sleeping with someone who is sleeping with someone else. God only knows the disease that they may bring home. For, as a matter of fact, you will be sleeping with everyone that their partner has slept with in reality. Think of that! It could extrapolate out into the hundreds. With AIDS and STDs and all going around the way it is these days, you are taking a big chance! That's for sure.

Now, you have a Scriptural right to divorce them, if you wish. Here is what Jesus said:

Matt. 5: 31"It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.'[f] 32But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery." (Of course, this refers to both husband and wife)

Now, I have a whole lot of advice I could give, but let me sum it up by saying what ever you do, make sure you do not drag the kids (if you have any) through the mud with you. Make it as civil as possible; but hold your grounds.

There is hardly anything any lower than an adulterer; however, God does forgive, and if we have the grace, so should we. Forgiveness, however, does not mean that we remain naive.

Forgiveness, remember, requires repentance on their part. You can not forgive someone that does not want forgiveness. They may want you to overlook it, but may not feel sorry, except for the fact that they got caught. So, be careful not to get sucked into a false “I am so sorry” story.

There are a couple of other suggestions that I have:
1. Pray for him and the other lady/ladies.
2. Make sure that you have also repented of any sins in your life, also.
During the meantime, may I suggest that you read the following?

Marriage and the Home (To access just click on the title, left)
My prayers are with you!

"Is it a sin to be born and found yourself gay?"

My dear homosexual friend,

You asked, so I must assume that you are sincere.

First of all, in response to your question: "Is it a sin to be born and found yourself gay?"

Apparently, you think it is possible, or you would not be asking the question. However, in all honesty, since I am not gay, nor do I have any desire to be gay, I cannot put myself in anyone's shoe that is gay. I have some gay friends; however, I have never really discussed their feelings or why they chose to be gay.

I do know, however, that the Bible says in Genesis 1:26,27,31:

Then God said,
Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
So, there are a couple of observations that can be made here. One, we are created with Godlike qualities (in His image), so in my opinion that is a high standard. Secondly, God created male and female, and after it was all done, the Scripture says, “God saw all he had made and it was very good.”

From that I gather, God felt that making male and female was good. Now, following that, we are all aware that the Old Testament laws were totally against homosexuality in any form. And, that brings us to the New Testament. The New Testament is also very strongly opposed to homosexuality. Romans chapter one is a good example. Now, I know that some say, “Well, the Bible also condoned slavery, and we don’t practice slavery anymore, so how can we just take the Bible or some preacher’s word on what is right and wrong as far as anything goes(?).”

However, without going into great detail, the New Testament, in my opinion, never condoned slavery. As a matter of fact, in the letter to Philemon, verses 12—16, Paul says that he is sending a runaway slave by the name of Onesimus back to his owner, Philemon, with these words:
“I am sending him—who is my very heart—back to you. I would have liked to keep him with me so that he could take your place in helping me while I am in chains for the gospel. But I did not want to do anything without your consent, so that any favor you do will be spontaneous and not forced. Perhaps the reason he was separated from you for a little while was that you might have him back for good— no longer as a slave, but better than a slave, as a dear brother. He is very dear to me but even dearer to you, both as a man and as a brother in the Lord.”
So, in conclusion, let me say, one is skating on some thin ice, morally, to excuse homosexuality activity off as that was the way they were born. Now, that does not take away the desire, or the complications, I realize. Just to say that something is a sin is not enough. We must break the hold that sin has on us. We do that by fully committing ourselves to Jesus and accepting his offer of salvation to us.