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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Christians in a politically correct atmosphere must speak out!

"One Man's Opinion"
by Jim Roane

Pray, tell me, whoever convinced pastors, missionaries, and the clergy at large that we should all be careful not to become too political, or controversial. After all, some say, we are to stick with the fundamentals, the core of the Gospel, not these side issues. I am not building up a straw-man, either.

I would be the first to say, as a missionary, that we should not take on some foreign government if we happen to disagree with their political posturing. Nor should we belligerently stick our chins out just to see if some non-Christian religious fanatic will take a swipe at us. If the not-so-Reverend Terry Jones taught us anything, surely we must understand that tactics like his only provoke the opposition and in the long run accomplish absolutely nothing.

I mean, imagine, The Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla., has hanged an effigy of President Barack Obama from a gallows on its front lawn, a move that Pastor Terry Jones said was in response to Obama's recent endorsement of same-sex marriage, as well as his stance on abortion and what Jones called his "appeasing of radical Islam."

Now, please explain to me what imbecile behavior like this accomplishes?

So, let's get the point straight, this is not the kind of involvement that is worthy of the name Christian. However, let me give it to you straight. Abortion is evil, unscriptural and up until the 20th Century was never even considered an option in the Christian community. The same goes for homosexuality and gay marriages.

Constitutionally, do women have a right to abortion, and gays to marry? That's not my field, so I really don't know. However, just for the sake of argument, let's say that both are Constitutionally sanctioned; that in no means makes it morally right! Let us not forget how Peter answered the Sanhedrin when faced with a choice between a righteous conscience and the law, both he and the other apostles responded with: “We must obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5: 29)
Eventually, the decision meant martyrdom for all but John; but even he was willing to pay that price if necessary, I am sure.

So, let’s keep in focus, something may be legal, but that does not make it right. And, therefore, we have an obligation, and, yes, a Christian duty to speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15).

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