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Friday, July 13, 2012

Who said, there is no God? I say, prove it!

Getting older has advantages; like, for instance, having more time for reflective thought. Which brings me to this mornings thought. I have taught Apologetics for years in colleges and seminaries around the world.

My position is, and has been since I can remember that the best argument for the existence of God is that he lives in my heart. Now, I know that there are some sincere fools that believe that there is no God or that God can be reduced to a figment of our imagination, symbolized by an idol. None-the-less, the thought of a supreme being is universal. Some deny it, others embrace it. It’s all a matter of choice. Which brings me to my choice. I believe that he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6) And, for those that believe otherwise, I say the onus is on them to prove otherwise. Why should we waste precious time on trying to prove that there is a God; why don’t we reverse the process and demand that they prove that there is no God?

And for those that say, “There is no God, or your God is not my God,” I reply really? Who said so? Prove it.

My rationale for this reply is that we don’t have the luxury of defining God. He is what He is. He defines Himself. Ours is a matter of acceptance.

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