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Monday, February 01, 2010

Jews For Jesus

This is in response to a group who call themselves "Jews for Jesus," who wrote me suggesting that President Obama was a 'secret Muslim' because he did not want to try terrorist in military courts, since as Commander-in-Chief, he would have to sign-off on the death sentence for a "fellow Muslim." You can read the reply, and judge for yourself. However, I will point out that my logical position was in the form of a question. I asked, "Since President Bush tried terrorist in civil courts, did that make him a secret Muslim?"

Dear Phil, Thank you for your reply. I do apologize if I offended you; however, I do think you misread my intentions. First of all, I did not call Eric Bennett an oxymoron—which by definition is, “a phrase in which two words of contradictory meaning are used together for special effect.” Thus, the reference was to the appellative “Jews for Jesus.” I guess my real beef is with the tendency of some to consider themselves hyphenated Christians. We have Jews for Jesus; Muslims for Isa; and so on, which to me is not Biblical. Now, let me tell you why.

Judaism—thus Jews—is a religion not a race. [There are Black African Jews; Oriental Jews; Caucasoid Jews, etc.] Keeping the law, including male circumcision makes one a (physical Jew, as you put it) Jew, not genetics. So, why in the name of goodness, would anyone want to revert to that? Certainly, you wouldn’t, I don’t think. We are all new creatures in Christ; according to Galatians 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Greek … for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Now, when it comes to President George W. Bush, et al, I ask you to re-read what I asked—trying to follow Eric’s logic, “Does trying a terrorist in civil court make one a secret Muslim?” Implying of course, that he was not giving President Obama an even break on that, since he had not applied the same rule of logical association to Bush, et al. So, for the record, “I voted for and supported President George W. Bush in both elections, and while he was President. I have been a stanch Conservative for as long as I have been old enough to vote.

Now, if you are still with me, let’s move on.

Now, heaven’s to Betsy, what makes you think that I would ever imagine that a “born again” converted Jew would not be in Heaven. You certainly took a lot of liberty to read that into my email. Otherwise, Paul and all the other Apostles would be excluded.

No, God has not forsaken His remnant, any more than He has forsaken we Gentiles. Salvation is for all. That’s the good news. Does God have a covenanted relationship with Israel. Yes, I believe so. Part of that covenant is to bring them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, so that when, and if they convert, they will be part of a much larger kingdom, called the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Christ. Where, there is neither Jew or Gentile.

Now, on to Eric’s “warped” agenda, as I called it. Now, please hold on and don’t blow your top on this, but I do sense that his agenda is warped to the extent that it is not either logical or fair. Now, let’s face it, no one knows what is in the heart of man. Obama could be kind of Gnostic phantom Lucifer, hiding in a human body. The only way I know how to judge him is by his actions. He, as President, has backed Israel, Has a Jewish Chief of Staff, and has been bombing the daylights out of the Taliban. And, mark my word, Iran is next. He has warned them. And, they will get it if they persist in pursuing their nuclear ambitions.

So, my dear, Phil, get some of the anger out of your soul and be civil also, and perhaps you will be able to win a few non-Jewish converts. I know. I know. I did not use the most tactful approach in addressing the situation, and, will admit that I am working on it. All I ask is that you do the same.

Blessings-Jim Roane

Romans 9:11-As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame."12For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, 13for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

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