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Thursday, January 28, 2010


Missionaries—like leaders, as some have said— are born not made.

This is true. A missionary must be born again and have a soul that is set on fire with zeal for God’s work. A new birth and hot zeal, however, are not enough. There must be more.

Interestingly enough, though, a personal call is not part of what else is needed. We already have that. Matthew 19:28 says that we are to go into the entire world and preach the gospel. Therefore, in my opinion, that pretty much covers the call.

The ‘When?’ and ‘Where?’ are the real questions that we must answer.

Neither of these questions can be answers unless we are men and women of prayer. When we pray, however, we must also listen. Listen to the voice of God. Occasionally, some hear that voice clearly and distinctively, like Paul and Samuel heard. At other times, however, most must listen for the silent call from God in circumstance.

A couple, for instance, with 15 kids and a mortgage to match, is pretty well limited to the ‘Where’ of a call, but not necessarily to the ‘When’ of a call. All things are possible with God; but, unless God sends a giant tsunami of a miracle, this couple will minister from right where they are. However, with the availability of international and instance communication by the internet, the ‘Where’ may be virtually anywhere.

In any eventuality, we must be men and women of principle and with a clear purpose in focus to reach ‘our mission field’ for Christ.

Now, here is where the rub comes in, however. Successful, effective ministry takes preparation. Furthermore, preparation takes patience, which in turn, takes passion to sustain.

Nevertheless, the result is a man or woman with perception—they know the mind of Christ, and are filled with His insight (Philippians 2: 5); and, should be ready for ministry.

Now, that is something to think about!

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