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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Genderism in the court of reason . . .

Male and female created He them. Genesis 5:2
Do you sometimes get the impression that this post-modern generation has simply wadded up reason like a piece of paper and tossed it into the trash? I certainly do. Forget Caitlyn Jenner and that whole idiotic episode for a moment, and let’s get to the root of the matter—that of human sexuality and the phenomenon of choice and possibility, and, of course, ultimately that of responsibility.

Robert R. Reilly makes the following observation:

At stake in the rationalization of homosexual behavior is the notion that human beings are ordered to a purpose that is given by Nature. The understanding that things have an in-built purpose is being replaced by the idea that everything is subject to man’s will and power, which is considered to be without limits. This is what the debate over homosexuality is really about—the Nature of reality itself. [i]

So, in essence what we have today is as old as the first sin—not that of Adam, but of Lucifer, who declared,

 I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. (Isaiah 14:13-14)

In other words, today’s hip politically correct generation has openly declared war on the traditional notion of Godly purposes in all of creation—ignoring, of course, the prerogatives of the Creator to declare it so.  

The counterargument is, however, that just as watches are made to tell time, man, too, has a purpose. Were there no time to tell, however, there would be no purpose for a watch. Thus a watch would be an interesting but nonetheless useless invention. As, of course, would man.

Now, let’s move into the complexity of the functions and purposes of man and woman. Can we discover a purpose there? Perhaps, even several purposes?

The answer, of course, is yes.

If man without woman was a design with no purpose—he is a dead-end proposition. Like a watch with no time to tell. Just functional, interesting perhaps, but without purpose. The same applies to the female. Without a male counterpart she is without purpose, incomplete, and destined to extinction, as is the male. Cross circuit those purposes and mankind is just one generation away from being just a memory—but who’s left to remember, anyway?

Men and women were designed with a purpose in mind—a cooperative purpose, too, as in marriage, to be fruitful and reproduce among other responsibilities.   

As Dr. Ralph Martin, a Catholic apologist has so appropriately observed,

At the heart of the sexual revolution is an attempt to suppress the truth about the nature of sexuality. It’s an ideology, a collective deception to deny the nuptial meaning of the body and the procreative and unitive purpose of marriage. What makes the current fight so opportune is the strong, very public, and growing opposition to the Church by political and cultural forces.

Now, this may seem to be a very convoluted way to prove a point; however, it is a point well worth proving.

Circumvent the intended created purposes of God and you had just as soon suspend gravity and allow chaoticism to rule, which it would. The same applies to the created purposes of mankind, also. Create a generation of gay and lesbians, deprive them of the privilege of adoption, and what do you get? In the end nothing.

No enduring society can possibly exist when fueled by transgenderism and/or erotic homosexuality alone. Commonsense dictates otherwise.

[i] Robert R. Reilly, Making Gay Okay, Ignatius Press: San Francisco, 2014, Front cover sleeve.

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