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Monday, May 25, 2015

Simple Simon may have been a great theologian ... who knows?

Faith is simplicity on the far side of complexity. The Trinity is a complex mystery; and yet the One Triune God is apprehended through simple faith—that of a little child, as it were. So, we can readily see that appreciation is not necessarily understanding; it is, however, as in this case a commitment to truth. Thus, the adage of St. Augustine that “I believe in order to understand” is an axiom that transcends the complexity of mystery. No scientists can pursue his research without believing that there is something in the test tube that can be tested. Theology is no different, either. He that comes to God, the Scripture says, must believe that He is and that he rewards those that diligently seek Him. God is not, therefore, that ever elusive character that we must find in a game of hide and go seek. No, He is real and may be apprehended, but only through faith that He actually is.

Unfortunately, some try to find God as an ostrich would with their heads stuck in hole in the ground as the world in general pivots around them. Their reason is the results of their own imaginative creation based on what they have chosen to see around them which is in fact a dark hole in the ground. However, in this case, the analogy starts to fall apart because ostriches do not have ears, and, therefore, it cannot be said of them that “having ears, they hear not” as in the case of those who chose to dictate their terms of understanding.

In his poem, Flower in the Crannied Wall, Alfred Lord Tennyson marvels at the mystery of complexity and simplicity of a small flower that he is able to hold in his hand. His understanding is beyond comprehension, he admits, but nonetheless this does not prevent him from appreciating what he holds in his hand. Nor should we be put off by a simple creed like “Jesus is Lord” simply because we do not understand the complexities thereof.

These lyrics of a song called “I Stand in Awe of You” by Hillsong capture the essence of faith expressed in the simplicity of worshipful faith —

You are beautiful beyond description
Too marvelous for words
Too wonderful of comprehension,
Like nothing ever seen or heard
Who can grasp you infinite wisdom
Who can fathom the depth of your love?
You are beautiful beyond description
Majesty enthroned above

And I stand, I stand in awe of you
I stand, I stand in awe of you
Holy God to whom all praise is due
I stand in awe of you

To stand in awe is not to fully understand, but to appreciate. Simple faith does that; for after all, we shall never fully understand, yet, we can embrace the far side of truth without understanding the complexities thereof.
I do not now, nor have I ever or shall I ever expect to understand the complexities of my wife, but that does not prevent me from experiencing the joy of married life. Knowing and loving God is not a dissimilar experience, either. 

It is interesting to me, that – 

He took a little child whom he placed among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.” (Mark 9:36-37 NIV)

Amazing, isn’t it. To reach God in all of His complexity, Jesus starts with a little child as the first step forward. In essence He says, Welcome this simple little child in my name, and you welcome God beyond all of his complexity.

Think about it.


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