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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sloopy prayers . . .

Watching one of my grandsons—which one will remain a secret—practicing hitting a baseball and missing it each time until he grew frustrated and just started swinging sloppily at any ball that came within his line of vision and some that obviously were not perked my curiosity so I asked why? He said, "oh, I just can't hit the stupid ball so why try?"

We are like that at times when it comes to prayer. The problem is that often we get the order in reverse: we ask for stupid things and then get frustrated when God doesn't oblige us. Things like: "Dear, God, please make Mary Ann really like me 'cause she sure would make a pretty wife." Never mind, of course, that Mary Ann is a snob and might be pretty but she would never make a pretty wife. Her disposition would attend to that.

Believe it or not, once as a young man I was devastated that a pretty little thing dumped me for the star quarterback on the football team. I thought, "Man, he is not all that good looking and he is only about 5.2' and bowlegged at that!" But she wanted him bowlegs and all. Later on, I came to the conclusion that she was the lucky one, not him. She became a highschool drop-out and married a real loser her next time around. She glad didn't answer my prayers on that one. But not at the time. I was convinced that I knew best.

Well, the facts are, we don't usually know what is best for us. [Yes, I meant usually as in more often than not!] Usually, we pray with a hidden agenda. That agenda usually has a lot of God's no-no's on it too. Things like: "No, I don't want you rich because it will help you to forget me." Or things like: "No, Mr. Bright One, you didn't study so I am not going to help you on the test." Funny, but true. Right?

Then there are some who pray, using the advice of one wisecrack who said, "When a sincere complaint comes to mind, don't hesitate to give it." Which unfortunately we usually do.

This list of stupid prayers could go on and on.

Yours for the journey,

P.S. Please continue to pray for and support our ministry in the former Soviet Union and in Southern Asia. 

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