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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Power 4.2.10

"Problems are the stuff of life and not theater. " Fred Smith, Sr. 1915-2007
When I was a young man—and I believe fairly successful, beyond that of many of my peers; someone asked, “Jim, what drives you? What do want out of life?”
My immediate reply was, “Dignity.” Well, after all these years, I am not sure that I have achieved my goal; but I am closer.
Money never motivated me. Really, position never did either. I was always looking for something else—an inner peace, a quiet confidence, that has always been enough.
As Fred Smith, Sr., (whom I quoted above) once observed, I have found that maturity is not chronological, but rather in finding that quiet center in your heart, where all is well.
That I have.
I don’t dare attempt to tell you the complete process; however, I would like to share a few discoveries, in hope that it might help. Keep in mind, however, that as Fred said, maturity is not chronological—it’s a discovery.
Discovery One — The power of surrender. Surrender to God’s purpose in your life; which is primarily to make you into the image of His Son. Romans 8:29 This will work miracles in you.
Discovery Two — The power of uniqueness. Focus on your uniqueness, and build on that. Don’t try and be something or someone that you are not. Mickey Rooney was not John Wayne, but he made a pretty good Mickey Rooney.
Discovery Three — The power of submission. Submit to Godly appointed leadership. Mavericks make great legends, but poor leaders—at least, that has been my observation; besides it is Scriptural. 
Discovery Four — The power of relaxation. Relax! Life is serious, but it will continue with or without you. Now, that doesn’t mean that you should hunker down and do nothing. It simply means that your legacy is the ethic that you instill in others; not in how important you may think you are at the moment.
Discovery Five — The power of relationships. So, build relationships, edifices will come later. First of all, build relationships with your family, the immediate one, as well as the extended one. Build relationships with friends—don’t just use them!
Discovery Six — The power of enjoyment. Enjoy the simple things in life — the common man; a field of flowers; peanut butter sandwiches; frolicking with the kids; a summer walk through the forest with the love of your life; watching a squirrel hoard away acorns for the winter; whatever! Just keep it simple. Life is so much easier that way.
Discovery Seven — The power of people knowledge. Make a concerted effort to understand humanity—the brilliant, as well as the mentally handicapped. Make friends with people. Don’t stereotype and pigeonhole people into neat little boxes. Not all Hindus are bad; or Evangelicals good. Get to know the person.
Discovery Eight — The power of acceptance. Understand that there are no quick fixes to life. Accidents will happen. Death comes to all. Natural disasters have no favorites. Crying, “Woe is me!” will get you absolutely nowhere.
Discovery Nine — The power of service. Serve your country. Serve others. Volunteer to help others. Church is a good place to start; even better, however, is in your own neighborhood. You don’t have to go halfway around the world to find need. It is most probably right down the street. So, just do good for goodness sake. Expect nothing in return.
Discovery Ten — The power of silence. Hold your tongue. Don’t just speak to hear yourself rattle. Think before you speak. And, above all, never shout. When you shout, generally you are in the wrong. At least that has been my observation. The power of solitude is of equal importance. So, take time to meditate and pray. God speaks in silent ways, most often.
Know any more? If so, suggest them. I would be interested.

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