Dear friends and faithful supporters:
Yes, I am 75 and still love cartoons. Friends, if you have not discovered it, humor is the spice of life. Early in my career as a minister I decided that I would play the part and be a really serious, somewhat stern character—play the role, you might say.
Well, that didn't last long before humor got in the way. Since those nascent days as a want-to-be success, I have since learned that people (including Jesus) prefer you as you are. It takes all types.
There is a difference however in cracking up at a cartoon or laughing at a clean joke than treating life in general as one big joke.
Even more dangerous, I believe is when we become immune as it were to the awfulness around us. As for instance, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), since 1973, roughly 50 million legal induced abortions have been performed in the United States.
Hitler or Stalin had nothing on us! Perhaps, the Ayatollah Khomeini was right when he called us “the Great Satan.” I reference him, not because of his authenticity, but because even the devil can see that we are absolutely corrupt as a nation. That is not to say that I do not love America. I do. But, it precisely because I do love my country that I must speak out.
And, friends, speaking out ain’t funny. It’s tough business.
Calling a spade a spade is a must as a preacher. Otherwise, we are simply hired hands doing the work of the ministry. Professionals at best, religious hacks at our worst. Ministry, true ministry, calls for action. Confrontation. Holy righteousness, as it were.
Now, there is much that is good about America. Our freedom, for instance. Freedom, however, without responsibility is chaos. I think of the recent riots by pot-smokers in Colorado. They had the freedom to smoke the stuff because of a new law but shirked the responsibility of civility. Makes me to want to take a new look at Paul’s admonition to Timothy when he wrote:
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy....false accusers....fierce, despisers of them that are good....traitors....lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God....ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of Truth".( II Tim. 3:1-7)
Hey, if that is not America, what is?
Now, the really sad part is that the United States is not the only culprit. Mankind in general stands condemned before God. Lethargic, compromising Christians as well as outright heathen jihadist riding on the backs of the black horses of death and destruction, all stand in judgment.
Agree? Then, we must do something about it.
The Great Commission has not expired. It is still in force. Our mission is not accomplished. We still have work to do. And, do it, we will; but it requires team work. You must pull your load as well as I must pull mine. Together we can, we must get it done.
Right now, Bonnie and I are preparing to return to Southern Asia, and have also put Russia on our calendar. So, I am asking you to make this a matter of deep, sincere prayer. We need prayer for strength for the journey, wisdom in where and when to go, and, of course the finances to make all of this possible. I must say, however, that when we pray the finances all fall into place.
Thanks once again for the opportunity to minister abroad, and may God comfort you all along your Christian journey.
En agape Christou,![]() |
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