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Monday, September 17, 2012

I have just finished watching the YouTube film called The 'Innocence of Muslims' that has sparked violent protests in Muslim communities around the world, resulting in most of the recent jihadists attacks on our embassies abroad (some 30 in all, at this juncture.)

My initial reaction is that the film is a distortion of what little truth there is left in legends and is a filthy attempt to discredit Muslims and their perceived prophet with half truths and innuendos. It goes without saying, that we as Christians, of course, do not believe that Muhammad was a prophet. However--other than that, it must be pointed out that the film is simply crude propaganda. Even, Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu called the film "reprehensible," and rightly so.

True Muhammad did have several wives, some of whom were the widows of slain opponents, and indeed at least one who had not yet reach puberty (although, reportedly he did wait until she had to consumate the marriage). Yes, he did kill and even at times allow torture to extract intelligence for future strategy against his enemies. He also went through a great period of self doubt and even thought himself 'mad' or possessed with a jinn (demon) until Khadijah (his first wife ) convinced him otherwise.

For a good dynamic equivalent, think of revering David on the same level as Christ then produce a film of David’s killing sprees (all in the name of God); and, of course, throw in his multiple marriages with a particular emphasis on how he got Bathsheba. Then for good measure make sure you have a scene in  which  David allegedly brags about a homosexual relationship with Jonathan, and you will get a pretty good feel for the  sententious rage that now incites fanatical Muslims around the globe. As far as these fanatics are concerned, this is blasphemy.
So, the point is, one must be fair in our criticisms. Rubbing this kind of salt in the wounds of fanatical jihadists can only further ignite instability in the Arab spring and harden the resolve of these extremists to lash out in irrational responses at every opportunity.

So, the problems are not so much with the facts, but the manipulation and distortion of the facts to incite fanatics. There is nothing worthy of commendation in that effort. As Christians we are admonished to spread peace not violence. And, in the words of Jude,
"I would remind you that even the archangel Michael when he was contending with the devil in the dispute over the body of Moses did not dare to condemn him with mockery. He simply said, the Lord rebuke you!" (Jude 1:9)

Many of the scenes in the film were outright disgusting and obviously a distortion of the annecdotal contained in some hadiths (annecdotal history) in the life of Muhammad.

One particular example stands out ~ that is when Muhammad allegedly volunteers to admit that he is gay and enjoys both the passive and dominate role in that ungodly activity. This is pure trash that I would place on the same level as those who try to manipulated and distort American history to ‘prove’ that Abraham Lincoln was gay. (Yes, in case you are not aware of that allegation there continues to be a serious effort by some ‘scholars’ to prove that.) Or that David and Jonathan had a homosexual relationship.

So, I say, enough with the insanity of provoking violence just for the sake of revenge or to prove a mute point and let us get on with spreading a little Christian love around.

Now, I admit that this is not always easy. Take this morning for example, while Bonnie and I were on our daily stroll around the lake in our neighborhood, stopping long enough to feed the ducks, I thought, “My, isn’t life great!”
Then I looked up and saw a couple approaching us from the opposite direction and as they passed I noticed that the lady was wearing a sweatshirt that read, “Islam Means Peace”. Of course I got a little hot behind the ears, but smiled as I passed them. They did not smile back ~ perhaps because they were not paying attention. In any event, on our return home after walking around the lake, I looked up and here the couple came again facing us, so I went out of my way and said loudly, “As-Salamu Alaykum” ~ that is, “Peace be upon you!” The gentleman then smiled and gave me a ‘thumbs up’.

Afterwards, I turned to Bonnie and said, “You don’t know how much that took out of me to say that. But, it was the right thing to do.”

And, it was.

We have been committed to a message of reconciliation; and we are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We [must] implore every Muslim on Christ's behalf to be reconciled to God. [For] God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:16-19 (NIV)

That’s our message. That’s our duty.

Again, standing with you for what is right, even when it is not the most popular thing to do.

P.S. Please continue to pray with us as we trust God for our travel expenses.

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