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Thursday, February 16, 2012


By: Charles Swindoll

In Romans six as in no other section of Scripture, is the foundational truth of our liberty ¬ freedom from Satan's intimidation and sin's domination. It is here the believer discovers his or her freedom from sin's control and how to live on that victorious level above fear, guilt, shame, and defeat. In this wonderful sixth chapter of Romans, Paul presents three techniques for living by grace, above sin's domination.
(1) KNOW - When we came to Christ, we were placed into Him as His death became ours, His victorious resurrection became ours, His "awakening" to new life became our "awakening," His powerful walk became our powerful walk. Before we can experience the benefits of all that, we have to know it.
You will meet well-meaning Christians who teach about crucifying oneself. But I have good news for you: That has already been done. You are in Christ. He was crucified once for all. He died for you so you never need to die again. Because we have our identification with Him, we have all the power needed to live the rest of our lives above the drag and dregs of slavery. Death to sin is an accomplished act, a finished fact. A victorious walk begins with our knowing this fact.
(2) CONSIDER - Consider is from a Greek word that means "to calculate, to take into account, to figure." It is a financial term, and accounting term. Rather than meaning "act like it is so," it means "reckon it true. Enter it in the ledger. Record it in the creases of your brain."
(3) PRESENT - Not only must there be intelligent calculation ("consider") based on true information ("know"), there has to be a conscious presentation of ourselves to God. Since we have been emancipated, it is high time we start living like it. I remind you that our adversary doesn't want us to think like this. He would erase grace immediately if he could. But since he cannot, his strategy is to do everything in his power to deceive us into thinking like slaves. Why? Because when we start operating like free men and women, our old "master" can no longer control us. Our adversary, Satan, won't back off easily. Neither will the legalists he uses. The enemies of our souls despise this message of freedom. In order for you to leave the security of slavery and ignorance and walk out into the new, risky fields of freedom and grace, you will need courage and inner resolve. There Is a "grace awakening" beginning in the hearts of God's people.

From: The Grace Awakening

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