Pray tell me, what kind of madness possesses what you would think were otherwise sensible people to trample someone to death just to get to a Barbie Doll or an Elmo first? One resourceful shopper came prepared for combat and pull out an aerosol can of pepper spray and doused those surrounding her until she got what she was after.
Well, of course, the news pundits had a hay day reporting all of this in a common refrain. It was Wal-Mart’s or retailers in general fault. They should have better crowd control. The security guards should have been better trained. They should not have tempted the public with such limited supplies at such low prices. They should have done this, or they should have done that. Blah blah blah.
My question is: What about civility? What about decency? Common courtesy? What about respect?
Well, of course, all of that is out the window these days. It’s a dog eat dog world out there with everyone demanding his or her bone.
Another example is this occupy Wall Street crowd. Do they have a legitimate beef? Well, sort of—the trouble is, however, they are not sure what that is. They are after the one per centers—that is, the Warren Buffets, Bill Gates, and the likes. And, of course, for good measure they have thrown in the big banks and corporations like Exxon and few other notables. They’re after them, I said. Never mind the specifics, however. Those details are left fuzzy.
Now, in my opinion, the banks, particularly those that were bailed out, should re-circulate most of that money back into the public sector; after all it was our money first of all. And, if they refuse, and keep hoarding these funds, they should be taxed. More as a punitive lesson than a economic stimulus, however, since I don’t think giving it to the government will accomplish all that much.
The common lesson in all of this stimulus mess is simply this: If you are too big to fail, you’re just too big. This among other reasons is one of the reasons we have anti-monopoly laws (which are rarely, if ever, enforced these days). James talks about the rich hoarding up riches in the last days which make me suspect that those days are just around the corner, if not here already.
Is there an answer? Sure there is. An answer, however, is never a cure. I may know how to heal a bad case of tonsillitis, but that doesn’t mean that I have cured it. You have got to take the medicine first. And, that is just the problem. The average Joe Blow out there, including our elected officials are not willing to discipline themselves long enough to take the cure. Most want their cake and eat it, too.
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