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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Squirrels that got my goat!

I sometimes think that it would be a whole lot easier to outsmart the Devil than to outfox squirrels. I suckered my brother-in-law (bless his heart, as we say in Texas) to plug up the holes they have chewed in the soffits under the eaves of my house. I have tried almost everything. Moth balls. WD 40. A sling shot. Cussing at them. (No, not really. I did say dat nabit, though.) Yes, I even prayed, and that didn’t work, either.

So, my brother-in-law (bless his heart) is out there bent over backwards in the most awful position screwing in some decorative vents to hide the nasty looking holes.

It really looks pretty now, I must say. However, I must remind myself that those rascals are still out there, just itching to chew up the roof and any other thing that gets in their way to bedding up for the winter in the cozy little wall space between the walls and the outside structure.

Dat nabit. Woops, there I go again!

Surely, I thought, there must be something good in all of this. At least, I should be able to get a good sermon illustration out of all this trouble. But . . . nothing!

I will say this, however, while I am worried about the mischievous squirrels and puttering around trying to figure out a way to make life as miserable for them as they have for me, there are untold millions around the world without even a roof over their heads. Unfortunately, some of them are right here in America, too.

My desire before I check out on life altogether, probably in the next 10 to 20 years (after all, I am 73), I want to continue to try as long as there is breath left in me to make a permanent contribution to the homeless and destitute and to introduce as many as I can to Jesus Christ. For, truly, Jesus is the answer to all that ills us in this life and the life to come.

Please join me in this effort, if have not already. I can not do it alone. Others depend on us to know the love of Christ.

Thanks so much for your prayers and financial support.

Yours for a Greater Harvest,


P.S. Dat nabit, I hear more scratcing. I think we shut one up in the attic. Gotta go. Talk to you later.

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