Television’s most popular show for several seasons in the running has been “Dancing With The Stars.” Now, I have never been into dancing. That was a no-no when I was growing up; however, I understand that quite a few Evangelical Christians love to dance. Anyway, I’m not here to pontificate on that subject at this point, except to say that it does seem like our standard of holiness has been thrown out the window with otherwise faithful church going Christians watching all the filth on television these days.
So, if you are not confused enough by now, hold on.
Chaz has taken so many hormones that it has puffed him and/or her up like an oversized balloon, just ready to pop. The side effects of so much testosterone has produced the desired results, however. She (woops!) — well, let’s just say, shim — shim now has a nice squiggly set of Dutch sideburns.
Now, what is odd about the whole setup is that Chaz seems perfectly at ease with this bizarreness. And, that’s not all, so does most everyone else on the show—at least publically. Not only that, Chaz who bounces around like a rubber penguin got voted back on, thereby eliminating a couple that the show’s judges felt would be in the finals. So, there must be a whole lot of strange people out there voting. I say that because otherwise Chaz’s dancing alone would have never cut it.
Someone said a long time ago, “You should never mix religion and politics.” Well, whoever that person was must have been pretty persuasive because not only have we screwed up politically because of that but we have also allowed science to go wonky on us.
Let’s start with politics. Tear down the traditional family through gay marriages and transgender sex changes and you will rip America apart at the seams. Secondly, let science willy-nilly meander around test tubing babies, changing genders, shooting our vegetables and animals full of artificial hormones, condoning homosexuality as just an alternate life style choice, and doing all the other things that science does and dogmatizes on, and we will end up destroying not only mankind as we know it but sanity itself, in my opinion.
Albert Schweitzer, the eminent German theologian and medical missionary, was once asked by Adlai Stevenson, then a presidential candidate, what he thought was the greatest threat the world would have in the future. Schweitzer replied without hesitation, “Science without moral restraints.”
In many aspects Schweitzer was right. Think of it. Weapons that can destroy every living thing on earth in a matter of minutes. Freakish mutations that portend human abnormalities. Water that is unfit to drink. Air that is unsafe to breathe. Food that is harmful to ingest. And, the list goes on and on.
When will it stop? Never … unless men change for the better morally. Otherwise, we can kiss civilization goodbye as we know it.
Science does not have the final word, though. God does.
And, oh yes, Chaz you are still Chastity, whether you like it or not. Sorry.
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