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Monday, September 19, 2011

Bumps in the road

How true this is. Life does have ups and downs. And, if you are fortune enough to live long enough you will find that it also has seasons. Sadly, however, a bad case of cancer or a car accident can cut you down in the autumn of life just when the trees began to shed their leaves in a serendipity of bright hues cast against a wonderful golden sunset.

Suddenly, a huge axe out of nowhere cuts through all your plans, ambitions, hopes and dreams. In a moment—most times without warning—a dark and foreboding winter sets in, blasting you with blizzards of hurt, despair, and, yes, even doubt. Doubting that you will make it through to the other side, knowing that some don’t. And, even at its best, it’s a bad winter.

Such is life, and death. We assume that we have a choice in how things will turn out, but we really don’t. Our choice is to simply to say, "Yes." Only God knows the outcome. The end is in His hands.

It is, however, at moments like these that we have our greatest opportunities for change. Attitudes can be reevaluated and improved. Forgiveness can be sought or offered. It’s all there—a chance to change, even in times of stress and uncertainty.

For me, it’s early to middle fall, winter is pushing its way hard out of the north, across the barren arctic landscape. But, it is still yet autumn. The leaves are slowly changing colors, then twisting and turning as they fall onto the dry ground below. It’s autumn, that’s for sure. So, I’m preparing for the winter. For as with the Master,

"I [too] must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work" (John 9:4).

For, as my Heavenly Father sent Him, so have I also been sent. (John 20:21) And, there is still work to do!

This not only motivates me, but it is also my obligation. My task as a missionary (literally: one who is sent) is to help the Good Shepherd find the stray.

I can’t do it alone, however. I need you to assist me. The work requires all the organization, team work and skills of a rescue party searching for someone lost in the wilderness.

If you wish to invest in the future and contribute towards our overseas ministry to educate, mentor, and train leaders overseas, please click onto the "Contribute" button below.

Please include in the comment section your preference:

√ Class (40) Ministry Trip.
√ Class (09) Personal Expenses.

Otherwise, If you are not online and wish to mail your contributions in, send them to that address below and I will see that you get AGWM and IRS credit:

Missionaries Jim & Bonnie Roane (AGWM/Retired)
1013 Madera Court
Allen, TX 75013-3639

Thank you for your consideration

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