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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Is Christianity on the verge of extinction?

Christianity is only one generation away from extinction. Is it possible that will ever happen? I think not. However, I have been troubled down through the years by one verse of Scripture in particular.

Jesus once asked his disciples, "When the Son of Man returns, shall he find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8)

There is no easy answer. The Mormons of course say that they have restored the faith or true religion that he was talking about. So, do such restorative denominations like the Church of Christ. The Roman Catholics and Orthodox churches all have their position on the subject, too.

But, what is the answer?

Is it possible to imagine a world without Christianity? To answer that question, let's travel back to an earlier time. The Zoroastrians developed a beautiful religion, similar in many aspects to our Christian faith. They believed in Good and Evil. Heaven (Paradise) and Hell. They had a prophet called Zarathustra who taught them that a Savior would come and set things straight, eventually. Much like the Christian faith the world as we know it would culminate with a final judgment after which the earth would be destroyed by molten lava. Hummm. Interesting to say the least.

However, before we get all tied up in knots and fret over the similarities it must be noted that according to reputable scholarship the Zoroastrians began to incorporate some of their beliefs into their system after they were introduced to Christianity. How much. We don't know.

So, this brings up the question of whether the Zoroastrians like Melchisedec had a kernel of the truth in their religion that only came to fruition at the birth of Christ.

For what it is worth, this is a position that I take.

However, the question is Christianity as we know it on the verge of extinction? Is it possible that like Zoroastrianism we too may suffer a similar fate. After all, there are less that 100,000 Zoroastrians left on the entire planet while at one time all of Iran and much of the Middle East, including parts of India, were populated with the religion.

What’s the answer? And, why did Jesus ask the question?

Personally, the answer I believe is that only a remnant of true believers will be left, and there are signs that that time is not too far off. Think of the mainline churches that has surrendered to liberalism and modernism in which the morals of both Old and New Testaments are disregarded as out-of-date and archaic to make the church more palliative to political correctness. Now, ask yourself, ‘Shall the Son of Man find faith when He returns?”

The answer is ‘Yes,’ but very few New Testament Christians will be left.

Now, the sad part is there will be even less if you and I don’t do something about it. This is why I am struggling well past retirement age and with very few resources to make a difference. Pray with Bonnie and me as we prepare to travel overseas once again to teach others so that they in turn can reach their generation for Christ. Because if we do not there is a good chance that many will be left unreached.

Help us make a difference where a difference counts!

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