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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why Some Churches Are Not Popular

Recently, Drew Dyck, editor of Building Church Leaders, wrote:

"I'm a little embarrassed to tell people how I found my church. It was through their website. Many people still pick a church based on the recommendation of friends or family. But since my wife and I were new to the area, we did the same thing we did when we wanted to find a new store or restaurant—we googled it!" (7/16/09)

Nothing to be embarrassed about, as far as I am concerned. Because, according to Richard Reising, president of Artistry Marketing in Dallas, Texas, from "80 to 85 percent of people are finding their church based on websites," and that "websites are replacing the yellow pages as a key mode of church advertising."

Therefore, it appears obvious to me that if we as a church intend to keep up with the current trends, much more thought and planning should go into our church websites.

Now, consider this. If most of the new people who walk through your church doors are not coming there because of your website, think of the tremendous shift in attendance you would generate by just developing an attractive church website. Let a professional or a local internet geek develop it however; or it will end up as just another ineffective church bulletin board.

Once again, may I suggest that if you are interested in seeing first hand the power of the internet in bringing people to Christ just visit Network211's Project10Million results site by clicking onto my picture above.

Thanks for taking time to read this.

Take care!

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