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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Retirement is for the birds!

Retirement is for the birds!

We did we ever get the notion that when someone reaches a certain age that they must hang it up and settle into a rocking chair.

I'll be 75 in less than a month. December 3rd to be precise. And, I am not about to retire. Why should I? If we really believe the Bible, as we say we do, then pray tell me where you find the word "retirement" there?

It's not there. Believe me, I’ve checked.

The sad part is that the Church has bought into this worldly idea and made it policy. How ridiculous! Imagine some board or committee of bureaucrats setting one of the Apostles down, say John the Revelator, for instance, and saying, "Well, Brother John, you have reached the ripe old age of 90 so you have got to retire. It's policy. We even committeeized and prayed about it, and we just believe that you must step aside and make room for a new generation. Besides that, you've just about worked yourself to a frazzle, and you need a good long rest! So, here's your social security check, good bye. It's been good to know you."

What foolishness.

Now, if John were half senile, hobbling around on a walker and desperately trying to figure out what all those strange visions he was seeing were, not knowing where he was or what time of the year it was, then, I say, "Okay. John, sit down and let's have a nice long talk about how you need to take full advantage of Medicare advantage policy and just enjoy what little life you have left."

No, I am not being facetious. I am dead serious.

Abraham was 75 before he really got started. Today we would have written him off and shipped him and poor old Sarah off to the adult care center. Caleb? Caleb would not have stood a chance. Give him a mountain? Are you kidding? More likely he would have been handed a room key and shuttle down to the old folks home in Hebron to relax under a fig tree.

My suggestion? Pure and simple. Listen to God before you strategize and mess with someone's ministry. One's call to the ministry and ordination is not for someone to second guess just because a certain age number is reached. I say, quit meddling in God's business.

Not sure how many folks (at least those that need to know) will read or agree with this; but as I say, it is “One Man’s Opinion.”

And, I might add, the correct one at that!   Smile

So, this is just to let you know that we are headed out once again in January, courtesy of partners just like you and the wonderful opportunity to volunteer and channel what little funds we receive through approved AGWM channels.

As a team, you and I are going to make it happen!


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