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Monday, February 09, 2015

How's God's grace, working for you?

In my last correspondence, I mention that it was my belief that salvation is a process, rather than a kind of quickie—similar, I would say to a Las Vegas marriage. Just say the right words, go through the act, and whoopee! — we’re married with all the rights pertaining thereunto. Commitment? Yes, for sure; but you know a man can be tempted, but I’ll not cross those bridges until I get there. Right now, I’m in love. Surprisingly, some of these marriages do work out, but the majority don’t.

Conversion can be that way. I like to think of this as what I call “decisional regeneration.” A person accepts Christ, say at a highly emotional revival meeting when some preacher scares the daylights out of them, and then offers a remedy. Just step forward, brother. God is here to meet you at the altar. Accept him as your personal savior, and the rest is as good as history because there is absolutely no way you can ever lose your salvation. Once saved, always saved. It in the Bible. Believe it. That all you need.

Now, permit me the privilege of not splitting the fine hairs between Calvinism and Arminianism, and just simply say this—neither side believe that just mouthing the words, or going through the actions will ever save anyone. Both sides agree that the proof is in the walk; that is, what takes place afterwards.

Now, I can’t speak for the Calvinists, because that is simply not my tradition or theological position, but I can speak from my perspective. And, from my perspective, I think the Bible makes it perfectly clear that good works is all part of the package. No, good works cannot save us, only God can do that. I’ll take you one step farther, too, neither can your baptism, nor by reciting some creed. Only God can save you; and He will. But, you must do your part.

Perhaps, I can best illustrate it this way: I taught at two fine institutions--one, North Central University in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the other in North Dakota called Trinity. In both of the schools, each had a student to die before graduation, one in a car accident, and the other with cancer. Neither had completed their course work; however, when graduation time came both were awarded their degrees posthumously. They had been faithful to the best of their abilities right up to the end, and were rewarded as such. Had either of them dropped out or flunked, neither would have received the degree, but since, however, such was not the case, both were posthumously granted the degrees.

I would suggest that, perhaps God operates similarly. So, as the journey continues; so does our commitment.

Yours for a better journey!


Sunday, January 25, 2015

How are your choices working for you?

Life is all about choices, isn’t it?

Who we marry. What career we choose. Even, how we dress ourselves. In each case a choice must be made, if we wish to progress in life. To choose to not choose is still a choice, isn’t it?

Why must we make these choices?

Well, the simple (and the right) explanation is that this is the way God has structured the world. Now, granted, sometimes our choices are limited; but, nonetheless, a limited choice is nevertheless a choice. The same principle applies when we have no choice—as when we are terminally ill, or permanently crippled, we still have a choice to accept the inevitable with grace, or to grow bitter and resentful.

Even Jesus himself had to make choices —first as God, and later as a human being. Paul reminds of this in Philippians 2:7 where he writes that—
“[Jesus] emptied himself and took on the very nature of a servant.” (Phil. 2:7)
For most of us, switching roles as Christ did, is something that we can hardly comprehend. I guess about the closest that we can come to the scenario is found in a work of fiction written by Mark Twain, called The Prince and the Pauper.

Briefly, the story is about a prince who discovers he has a look alike that just happens to be a young pauper, a boy that hangs around the palace gates. They become friends, and switch roles. Years go by, as the prince roams the country side, and lives the hard life of a pauper. Eventually, the king dies and the prince returns to claim the throne. Which, after a bit of drama, he did; and everyone lived happily thereafter.

Although, there are obvious inadequacies in the similarities between the Prince and the Pauper and Jesus’ decisive role, nonetheless, we get the picture.

His was a choice. Not a self-serving choice, but one of sacrifice, and yes, humility.  

The truth is, the courts of Heaven were his, rightfully his to be sure. Yet, he chose to empty himself, put aside those rights and serve and suffer as a simple servant.

Since Jesus was human, his life in many ways parellels ours; and there comes a point in all of our lives when the stakes are high, and we, too, must choose between what is rightfully ours and that of becoming a servant.

Unfortunately, often we confuse the necessities of life—that which is ‘rightfully ours’ with the pleasures of life, and our needs subtly morph into greed; and unlike old wine, greed does not improve with age. 

Now, mind you, greed comes in all shapes and forms. The most severe form - and harmful at that - is documented in a series on A&E called “The Hoarders,” which portrays the real-life struggles and treatment of people who suffer from compulsive hoarding.

‘That’s not greed’ I hear someone protest, that’s a mental illness. True, but chances are it did not start out that way, it developed over time. And, furthermore, if it is not a choice they make—compulsive or not; why then do they respond to counseling intervention? Really in some ways these poor souls are no worse off than billionaires cutting billion dollar contracts and amassing manipulative fortunes that can even make congress dance to their tune. Nothing satisfies them. There’s never enough. Nothing wrong with wealth, mind you. But, we will, however, be judged on how well we manage our resources. ‘To whom must is given, much is required’ is as true today as it was the day Jesus spoke the words.

So, life is all about choices, isn’t it? These decisions never stop, either. Choices will lead the way through life, either for the good or the bad.

God judges our decisions, too. Contrary to the attitude that most of us take, He is pretty serious about it, too. Jesus said,

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. Matthew 12:36 (KJV)
May God give us both the courage and the wisdom to make the right choices in life. In that regards, we often criticize the wantonness of youth, and loath the mistakes of others, forgetting that we, too, must give account for every idle word, or gossip snidbit, or couch potato hour that we spend surfing the internet or flicking through the channels on television.

There's work to be done, if you are physically able, and then there is still no excuse. Prayer is always an availble opportunity. Not only will it draw us closer to God, but it will mellow our attitudes, and make us a whole lot easier to get along with in the long run.

The choice is ours.

Booked and ready to go.
Continue to pray!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Will good works get you into Heaven, or only bad works keep you out?

May, I ask you a question, “How does one receive salvation, justification, the new birth, and eternal life. Is it—

  • By believing in Christ (John 3:16; Acts 16:31)?
  • By repentance (Acts 2:38; 2 Peter 3:9)?
  • By baptism (John 3:5; 1 Peter 3:21; Titus 3:5)?
  • By the work of the Spirit (John 3:5; 2 Corinthians 3:6)?
  • By declaring with our mouths (Luke 12:8; Romans 10:9)?
  • By coming to a knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4; Hebrews 10:26)?
  • By works (Romans 2:6, 7; James 2:24)?
  • By grace (Acts 15:11; Ephesians 2:8)?
  • By His blood (Romans 5:9; Hebrews 9:22)?
  • By His righteousness (Romans 5:17; 2 Peter 1:1)?
  • By His Cross (Ephesians 2:16; Colossians 2:14)?

Under normal circumstances, can any of these Scriptural ways be eliminated? If so, which ones? Can we be saved without faith? Without God’s grace? Without repentance? (Now, here’s the real test) Without baptism? Without the Holy Spirit?
I would suggest that the wise disciple would make sure all of these points are covered. Yes, and even including water baptism—regardless of what your theology of baptism is, how dare you neglect it? 

Yet, I find an appalling disregard to the urgency of baptism, or a concerted effort by the average parishioner to become fully engaged in the good work of the Church. Sunday school classes are left teacher less, nurseries are poorly attended, and, of course, on and on the list could go.

My question is this? Whatever happened to the good old days, when we were told that works did matter? 

Works, according to Scripture, can either affirm us, or condemn us (Romans 2:5-11; Ephesians 2:10).

For we know, as 2 Corinthians 5:10 reminds us,
"[We] must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad," 
Further, we also know that Christ said to John the Revelator,
"Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done," which definitely describe a future judgment according to man's works. (Revelation 22:12,)
So, works matter. Consider faith as a many sided virtue, part of which is understanding, commitment, and obedience, and all of which is bathed in love.

I say this because to properly exercise faith we must understand what are committed to, and then why we have placed our faith in that something or someone. Faith is therefore commitment, an intelligent commitment in obedience.

Obedience, as well as commitment, implies conformity. We must conform to the requirements of our commitment. If, for instance, we seek employment, and then find it, we commitment to the requirements thereof with the expectation that we will be rewarded at the end of the day or for the period that we have agreed to work. 

That’s faith. Not blind faith, but faith with expectations. Why, the expectations? Well, simply because we trust the one who hired us to pay us when our work is done.

Now, there are many parts of this analogy that can lead us off on a thousand rabbit trails, but the central point is that faith is much broader than a simple mental assent, or to accept as it were a job, then expect to be rewarded for our laziness for not getting the job done.

No, committed faith, saving faith is willing to hold up its end of the bargain. For the child of God, a worker in His vineyard, we must be faithful to expect a reward in the end. 

The rules of engagement are perfectly clear that—
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 7:21)

Now, that is a pretty stern message to the lazy Christian, who feels that they can just coast into their Heavenly reward without exerting any or hardly any effort at all. And, the truth of the matter is that no one is exempt. 

So, we must all work, for there will come a day, when no man shall work. (John 9:4)

In closing, I would like to ask: Could it be that we need to seek out a new paradigm for salvation in the ultimate sense? Could it be that our salvation is incrementally a process that begins at conversion but continues step by step through out life, and is only completed we are ushered through the Gates of Heaven? That is not to say that if death should suddenly interrupt the process that we would be barred eternally from Heaven; but it is to say that the task does not end with a simple "I do." As in any marriage, we, too, have our responsibilites.

Now, for a brief analogy which I think will be helpful in understand what I have just written in the above paragraph.

I taught at two fine institutions--one, North Central University in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the other in North Dakota called Trinity. In both of the schools, each had a student to die before graduation, one in a car accident, and the other with cancer. Neither had completed their course work; however, when graduation time came both were awarded their degrees posthumously. They had been faithful to the best of their abilities right up to the end, and were rewarded as such. Had either of them dropped out or flunked, neither would have received the degree, but since such was not the case, but both granted the degree.

I would suggest that, perhaps God operates similarly. So, as the journey continues; so does our commitment.



Thursday, January 01, 2015

Suffering: The positive side . . .

Philippians 3: 10-11 . . .

 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.

Dear Friends, financial and prayer partners!

Most Christians I know, particularly Pentecostal Christians feel very comfortable with Paul’s assertion that he wants to know Christ and the power of His resurrection; yet, the average Christians balks at wanting to participate in Christ’s sufferings. Suffering for the sake of Christ is not what they signed up for; and so it is easy for most to just slide past that bit about suffering and sacrifice and move on to the next power surge. The next revival. The next miracle. The next celebration. Where ever the power is, you can look for them there. That’s for sure.

Perhaps one of these days I will muster up enough courage to write a book on suffering. Now, there is where the real power is—that is, in suffering.

I say this primarily for one good reason, and that is that I have yet to meet a saint that hasn’t suffered. Think about it. Have you?

Oh, don’t get me wrong, you don’t have to go looking for a chance to suffer, sooner or later suffering will find you. It will come. Perhaps with a painful divorce, or the sudden unexpected death of a child or a spouse. It will come. Now, the question is—not just for you, but for me and everyone else as well—what will our reaction be? The Bible makes it crystal clear that Jesus did not lose his life. Jesus willingly laid down his life; and I would suggest that this is a lesson for us. That is, to embrace suffering.

Jesus says in John 10:17ff:
“For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again.”

In other words, His suffering was not without purpose. So, for that reason alone He suffered. There was no other way around it. Suffering was a must for Him. He embraced it.

Now, on a different plane and on a different level, we, too, often times must go through tough times which we can either accept and turn into an advantage for the good, or in the worst case scenarios for the bad.

Think about it this way, is it not true that we are part of His mystical body? If that be the case, then we, too, can use our suffering for the good of the body.

Please understand, however, that I am not advocating suffering for suffering’s sake. There is no value in that. What I am saying, however, is that when we suffer it need not be for nothing. Once again, we must take Romans 8:28-29 to heart to make our hardships work for us. For—
We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. (Rom. 8:28-29 NIV)
So, the next time suffering comes your way, embrace it as an opportunity for God to conform you into the image of His dear Son, who in His deepest hour of suffering set the example for us. Paul reminds us that —
If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together (1 Corinthians 12:26 ESV).
Now, if that is the case—and I believe it is—what better way may we comfort those that suffer than by sharing the consolation of our suffering with them.

How so, you say? May I suggest that you start with love—the example of His love, so that when you suffer loss you use that as a teachable moment to comfort others in their loss.

Let’s just consider the First Ronald McDonald House, as an example—
It all began in Philadelphia in 1974 when 3-year-old Kim Hill, the daughter of Philadelphia Eagles football player Fred Hill and his wife, Fran, was being treated for leukemia at St. Christopher's Hospital For Children.
During Kim's three years of treatment, the Hills often camped out on hospital chairs and benches and ate makeshift meals out of vending machines, while they watched other parents doing the same thing. They learned that many of the families traveled great distances to bring their children to the medical facility but couldn't afford hotel rooms.
The Hills knew that there had to be a solution. Fred rallied the support of his Eagles teammates to raise funds. Through Jim Murray, the Eagles' general manager, the team offered its support to Dr. Audrey Evans, head of the pediatric oncology unit at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Evans dreamed of a comfortable temporary residence for families of children being treated at her hospital.
Murray enlisted Don Tuckerman from the local McDonald's advertising agency, who with the support of McDonald's Regional Manager Ed Rensi, launched the St. Patrick's Day Green Milkshake (now known as the Shamrock Shake) promotion. Funds raised went toward purchasing an old house located near the hospital.
And thus, the first Ronald McDonald House came to be in Philadelphia in 1974 - a "home away from home" for families of ill children. By 1979, 10 more Houses opened. By 1984, local communities founded 60 more Houses (including our House in Albany); then 53 more opened by 1989. Today, more than 250 Ronald McDonald House programs in 26 countries support families around the world - providing comfort to more than 10 million families since 1974.

What a legacy! And, just to think, it was birthed in sorrow.

The journey is ours, together let's make the best of it!
